I’ve tried multiple clients and I always default to Damus
I have benefited immensely since I joined in Feb 2023
It’s time to pay the piper.
I’ve gone from being the product, and my personal information being sold and traded around to now here. Damus is my preferred experience of the #Nostr.
No algorithm, no advertising. You only know I am man like kweks cos I shared a part of my identity and I am free to share as much or as little as I want.
I have had the opportunity to collaborate with amazing developers around the world and create and curate user experiences.
I have witnessed amazing things take place and community stand together to keep this experience alive.
Thankful for jb55 pushing the boundaries cos everyday he fought to keep Damus alive it gave me another opportunity to experience this and confirm that that is how I’d like my online social experience to feel like and be going forward.
I’ve diversified and tried different social interactions on the internet and this is my preference.
Find out what works and then you double down.
I’m sure many others feel the same way. I have made friends, I have amazing friends here, truly grateful for their friendship and support.
Oh BTW, I love the smell of #Bitcoin. It’s what freedom smells like. One sat is worth more than one Tanzanian shilling. So I appreciate every single one I get. That’s my reality, for me, my family and my country.
Whatever Damus needs to keep going I’d like the opportunity to contribute my hard earned smelly Bitcoin to keep this party goin!
What up #plebchain!
Man Like Who?
Man Like Kweks!