The sad truth is the current infrastructure to hold bitcoin alienates the society that need it the most in Tanzania, and that is heartbreaking.

This is a real case study. I meet a security guard who saw me walk to the car and ask me for money for lunch.

We got to talking and he told me
He is employed.
Works 6 days a week.
7am - 5pm
Has a wife who works and helps a clean and look after a household
He has 2 kids In govt school so no fees.
He gets paid 120k Tsh a month….
Has to pay electricity he said cost him 10k Tsh a month and water bill 5k Tsh a month.

His phone can’t support playstore or AppStore… so can get him his own lightning wallet at the list. Hardware wallet, no computer. Internet is a luxury.

What now… that’s what I am wrestling with and where I want to shine light to.
I know about Bitcoin enough to buy it pretty much daily.

The only option I can think of is a trusted community bitcoin bank. At the basic level I have an excel with there details and sats they have accumulated and set up a wallet that holds them in and go from there.

Waiting for the infrastructure is negligence on my part as far as I am concerned. I can do something and can start from there.